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Visit here as often as you need and we hope it keeps you connected to everything 5th grade. If your student was absent they will be coming home Tuesday, January 17th. Your 5th grade Team Mrs.
Thank you for coming to my website! This website is still a work in progress. Make a website for free. This website was built with Webnode.
Do you think you are in charge of your purchasing decisions? You might not be! Persuasion is a fact of life! Every day you are persuaded to like or dislike something, buy or not buy products, and do what other people want you to do! Go to Task next. Create a free website with Webnode. Launch your own website for free! .
This is a work in progress! Hi, my name is Ashlyn I am in Mrs. My favorite subject is writing, we do many different prompts.
Create a website for free. Webnode, an innovative sitebuilder. Have a captivating website for free! .
My web site has all the stuff i am doing this year. Still working on it and if you want me to add polls to my poll page send me a email. Do You Like My Website.
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LIBRARY AS LEARNING RESOURCE CENTRE. It isfundamental to school library to equip students with life long learning skills and develop in themcreative thinking and imagination, and enabling them to live as ideal and responsible citizens.